Lesson 1. MUCH LIKE THE WORLD, THE PARTY IS WHAT WE MAKE IT. Corporate Holiday parties might look like club Tao, but the bartenders serve no alcohol. If you want to live the dream of the archetypal office party, you must smuggle in your flask or wine. Everyone will know you've done it somehow, but no one will care because they're likely doing the same thing. Noted for next year...
Lesson 2: IT IS, IN FACT, A SMALL WORLD, DESPITE THE FACT THAT I WOULD RATHER BE RAPED IN THE EAR THAN TO HEAR THAT SONG EVER AGAIN. Imagine moving 3000 miles to a place where all feels incredibly unfamiliar, where you are an oddity to come from where you do, and then finding out that someone who you've been working with is from the town just next door from where you grew up. Two strangers form the same place moved all this way to build a career that has somehow involved the other.Go figure!
Lesson 3: BEING AN ODDITY SUCKS. I really hope this person doesn't find out how big of a geek I am. Because my office persona is oh-so-couth ...or borderline Asburgers. Probably the latter, actually. Anyway, whether or not people find out my geek potential from speaking with me or from people who knew me growing up, I'm sort of relieved I now know someone from "home," even if we were strangers there.
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