Today I inadvertently smacked a really heavy bag into a frail, waify girl in too tall of heels. She didn't fall over or anything, but she was hit pretty hard while we were both exiting the shuttle from the parking lot to work.
I said, "sorry." I showed the appropriate emotions to let her know I meant it. I tried to make eye contact so she could see how mortified I was at this mistake.
She said, "it's okay..." in that vague tone where you know, it's not okay. She didn't return the eye contact, my sincerity obviously undetected.
Then I walked inside and when I stopped to pull out my ID, I dropped the bag... on someone's open toed super tall shoe.
I looked up.
Same girl.
"Oh my God! I am really sorry."
"Stay away from me."
Yes. I am officially epically smooth. I should run for mayor.
Mayor of Awkwardia.
P.S. Why the hell would you walk that close to someone with a heavy bag? Why? I only take partial responsibility for the bag-on-the-toe incident.
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