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ooooooo, fashion

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Marathon: Beach Cities Challange

In memory of my Uncle Bobby, I intend to run a half marathon.

My Uncle Bobby ran often, usually at 5am along a beach in beautiful Northern California, until a rare but debilitating disease forced him to stop. When Uncle Bobby could no longer run, I took up running in order to train for an event like this one in his honor, to make him proud. On August 27th, he took one final run to the finish line in the sky, leaving behind many people who loved him and were touched by him during his time with us in this great rat race on earth.

I am so excited to take part in this and hope to complete all three of the Beach Cities Challenge in honor of this great man who was such a positive influence on me. Hopefully, in May, I can earn the trifecta medal and really live up to the potential Uncle Bobby always said I had. My big regret is that I was never able to tell him what he'd inspired me to do while he was still alive.

Also, I regret that my running buddy, my dog Brody, won't be able to join me on this endeavor.

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