Turn to the Left, Turn to the Right

ooooooo, fashion

Friday, February 22, 2013

Oh, The Things We Do When We're In Love (With Ourselves).

I was running incredibly late this morning; I didn't even make it onto the freeway until ten minutes before I was supposed to be at work. Half an hour later, I sat at my desk with nothing to do but eat breakfast and drink tea and I started thinking about how I should do my make-up. To be fair, there were no emails to attend to yet.
I hate the lighting in the bathrooms here, but there's really bright sunlight dancing through the windows in the pattern room, right by my desk - perfect for draping as well as for reasons of vanity. I decided I would finish getting ready in the comfort of my pattern space. I had my makeup kit from my purse, and I decided to use the camera on my tablet as a mirror. I stood the tablet against the left side of my computer and adjusted the lighting settings to accommodate the ultra-brightness. I applied a light powder and a little mascara - not a dramatic project. Afterwards, I adjusted the lighting again so that the camera would be ready to use the next time my dog is does something so adorable that I just have to take a video and therefore the camera must be ready. Yes, that happens a lot, so the settings must be perfect beforehand or, heaven forbid, I can't add an adorable moment to my Brody Bear digital collection. I realize I'm neurotic, I just don't care.
So, after that, I went back to eating oatmeal and trying  to go through email, but I kept finding myself distracted by the image of myself. My hair was too flat, and unable to guide my attention to anything else but the lack of oomph in my hair, I put work aside and began fluffing away at it. After I'd played with my hair for way, way too long, I went back to my oatmeal again. Only then, did I notice I'd accidentally been filming myself since I adjusted the light settings the second time. I started cracking up and had  to watch it right away. I am vain to a point of sheer goofiness. I've been laughing at my geekery all morning and wasn't to spread the self love.
Here's the link to the video, because of course I posted that ish to ze youtubes:

"I'm like a Mythical Creature. I'M A UNICORN."

A friend is throwing a 'Welcome to the Jungle" Party - a themed costume party where everyone in attendance must arrive dressed up as an animal of some kind, real or mythical. Obviously, I intend to go as a unicorn. Whenever mythical creatures are encouraged at a costume party, at least one unicorn should be in attendance. This time 'round, that crazy individual should be me.

The party is next week. Am I prepared? No. I do not have a costume at this time. My only inspiration? THIS:

I keep telling myself that I'll get to this. I will, I swear. I must!

...to be continued...

Update: I finished the costume yesterday in a record 2 hours. I must admit, though; it was a bit slapdash.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Who is the rude one? Conversation Sandwich.

Sometimes it is so apparent how socially awkward I am that I wonder if I should take the Asburgers test online again. I find myself in situations wherein I feel incredibly uncomfortable but everyone else is so nonchalant, that I wonder if it's just me with the problem...

Say someone is standing some place while waiting in line or at the water cooler filling up his/her giant water bottle, and two people, strangers to the first person, walk over already in the midst of conversation. Then, these people walk in different directions for different reasons - someone is at the sink and someone is at the microwave - but they continue to converse despite the fact a person with ears was already there quietly and is now sandwiched between them. These people continue to have what should be a private conversation, talking through this person as if he/she were not even there.

Is that considered to be eaves dropping? It better not be. I mean, there's nowhere to go in this situation. I can't tune out what's being said over my head as I wait for the impossibly slow water to trickle my bobble bottle full. What is appropriate? I am allowed to join in with, "yeah, dude, you should probably see a doctor and a lawyer about that." Would that exacerbate the level of rudeness or reflect the awkward vibes they threw my way?

I didn't say that, but if I had, would I be rude? Who is rude in the conversation sandwich, the meat or the bread?